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Lawyer and Researcher
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LL.M. in Law, Science & Technology
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Lawyer and Researcher


Legislative Developments 2017

February 26, 2018

Legislative Proposals 1865-S-2015 and 942-S-2016 were discussed together as a joint Proposal, which was approved by the Senate in 2016. This project states that ISPs should not be liable for content created by third parties, unless they are duly notified by a judicial order of the removal or...

Argentine Supreme Court To Decide Whether Intermediaries Must Monitor/Take Down Search Results

June 23, 2014
Recently, the Supreme Court of Argentina heard arguments in Rodríguez, María Belén c/ Google Inc. y Otro s/ Daños y Perjuicios. The case requires the Supreme Court to decide for the first time whether Internet intermediaries - in this case, search engines Google and Yahoo - are liable for linking to...

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