In a recent ruling, the Spanish Audiencia Nacional – the high court that referred the Google Spain case to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) – has somehow expressed opposition against imposing global delisting obligations on search engines. See more on the CIS website.
Spanish police this morning raided the offices of .cat gTLD registry Fundació puntCAT, just days after demanding the company shut down any domains referring to a forthcoming referendum. From Domain Incite.
The Spanish Supreme Court (TS) has recently ruled on the legality of using someone else’s trademark as a keyword to trigger sponsored ads in Google Adwords. The case is Maherlo v Charlet (pdf, in Spanish).
The claimant, Maherlo Ibérica S.L., commercializes elevator shoes for men—shoes with raised...
European courts are beginning to sort through one of the most important follow-up questions to last spring’s “Right To Be Forgotten” ruling in Google v. Costeja: what does the case mean for hosting services? The answer matters for the Twitters, Facebooks and YouTubes of the world – not to mention...
In a recently reported ruling, the Spanish National High Court held that Google is not responsible for the processing of personal data on blog hosted on Google’s owned Blogger, and therefore, that the so called “right to be forgotten” established by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)...
As we reported a few days ago, the recent Spanish copyright reform granted enhanced powers to the Spanish Copyright Commission to target websites providing links to infringing works in a purposeful and massive way. Recently, the Criminal Court of Appeal of Castellón has given a first judicial...
The CJEU judgment on the right to be forgotten, Google Spain v. Mario Costeja, hit the search engine on an unexpected front – damages. On the basis of the CJEU’s judgment, the Barcelona Court of Appeals ordered Google to pay damages to an individual who, like Costeja, sought the removal of links to...
Cross posted from ISPLiability blog
In a recent ruling issued by the 15th Section of the Barcelona Court of Appeals – a Section specializing on IP – the Spanish ISP R Cable y Telecomunicaciones Galicia has been ordered to suspend, immediately and for good, the Internet connection of a user who...