Acordo de Cooperação Técnica nº 03/2015
Document type
Self-Regulation/Voluntary Agreement/Code of Conduct
By this agreement, signed between the Human Rights Secretary and the Brazilian Association of Internet (ABRANET), a non-profit organization that supports the development of the Internet in Brazil. On the second clause of the agreement, ABRANET commits to recommend all its members to include in their terms of service clauses allowing the termination of users accounts whenever the service is used to share child pornography images or to promote any form of discrimination.
Topic, claim, or defense
Child Protection (Includes Child Pornography)
Hate Speech
Document type
Self-Regulation/Voluntary Agreement/Code of Conduct
Issuing entity
Executive Branch
Private Sector
Type of service provider
General or Non-Specified
Issues addressed
Notice Formalities
Trigger for OSP obligations
OSP obligation considered
Block or Remove
Account Termination
Type of law
General intermediary liability model