Document type
Self-Regulation/Voluntary Agreement/Code of Conduct
Establishing wide-ranging obligations in terms of freedom of expression (section A), privacy and confidentiality (section B), consumer protection (section C), standard terms and conditions (section D), spam (section E), cybercrime (section F), protection of minors (section G) and removal of content (section I) In addition, the Code provides that members must “conduct themselves lawfully at all times and …co-operate with law enforcement authorities where there is a legal obligation to do so”, …”respect intellectual property rights and not willingly infringe such rights”…as well as “uphold and abide by this Code of Conduct and adhere to the associated complaints and disciplinary procedures”(section H). In this respect, the Code proscribes that ISPA members must receive and investigate complaints (provided that they are not frivolous, unreasonable, vexatious or in bad faith) and make all reasonable efforts to resolve them in accordance with the complaints procedure, and empowers ISPA to initiate investigations and institute disciplinary proceedings on its own initiative (section K).
Topic, claim, or defense
General or Non-Specified
Freedom of Expression
Consumer Protection or Harm (e.g. Fraud)
Privacy or Data Protection
Document type
Self-Regulation/Voluntary Agreement/Code of Conduct
Issuing entity
Private Sector
Type of service provider
Internet Access Provider (Including Mobile)
OSP obligation considered
Block or Remove
Type of law