Document type
(1) To ensure that regulatory decisions of the Commission are taken in an open, non-discriminatory, transparent and technologically neutral way, this law provides the principles for pursuing activities in the field of electronic communications.
(2) The Commission shall control the fulfillment of license conditions by the license holders using radio frequency spectrum and/or numbering resource. (28.12.2005 N 2564). Liability for the breach of requirements and obligations shall be incurred by natural persons and legal entities pursuant to Georgian legislation. (28.12.2005 N 2564). Pursuit of activities in the electronic communications sector without authorization, the use of radio spectrum and/or numbering resources without a license for the use of resources shall be deemed an illegal economic activity, prohibited and punishable pursuant to the Criminal Law. The use of radio spectrum and/or numbering resources without a license or assignment is prohibited and punishable pursuant to the Administrative Code of Georgia. (28.12.2005 N 2564) (art 43).
(3) An authorized undertaking with significant market power shall ensure transparency of information in relation to access and interconnection to the relevant elements of its network as well as publicize information (art 31).
(4) Providers of electronic communications services shall provide services to subscribers in compliance with set standards and pursuant to a relevant contract to comprise: (a) the name and address of the electronic communications service provider; (b) terms indicating types, quality and time of first connection; (c) terms for the suspension and termination of services; (d) terms for repairing damages; (e) detailed information on tariffs, and, in case of changes, updated information; (f) validity, termination and extension of terms of the contract; (g) the compensation mechanism provided to ensure quality of services as well as failure to maintain quality; and (h) the procedure of appeals and regulation of disputes related to services (art 6.4).
(5) Electronic communications service providers (ECSPs) shall make available telephone numbers of directory services to their subscribers free of charge, including billing information, information on arrears and relevant bills. And ECSPs shall make available telephone numbers of special services to their subscribers free of charge (art 62.6/7).
(6) ECSPs shall establish an efficient internal mechanism for consideration of and reacting to complaints. Where providers of electronic communications services breach legislative provisions on the protection of rights of users, an interested party shall be entitled to apply to the provider of electronic communications services, and/or the Commission, or directly to court. ECSPs shall consider a complaint within 10 (ten) working days (art 63.2/3).
Topic, claim, or defense
Telecommunication (Includes Net Neutrality)
Document type
Issuing entity
Legislative Branch
Type of service provider
General or Non-Specified
Issues addressed
Procedural Protections for Users and Publishers
Type of law
General effect on immunity