Document type
In general, this law tackles intermediary non-interference from the perspective of users by adding to the general rules within the General Telecommunications Act (Law Nº 18.168) new rules for internet service providers. Article 24 H states that internet providers (“all natural or legal persons that provide commercial connectivity services between users or its networks and the Internet”): a) shall not block or interfere in any way with the rights of the user to use any content, application or service on the internet; but they may take traffic management measures or block contents upon user requests (and to their cost); b) shall respect device neutrality by not limiting the right to use the internet on any legal device that does not impair use of the net or the quality of service; c) shall offer parental control services; d) shall publish information on their website regarding access characteristics, speed, quality, distinguishment between local and international linking, and service nature and warranties. Articles 24 I and 24 J establish the procedure for sanctions (administrative procedure before the Telecommunications Undersecretariat) and the regulations for minimal information conditions.
Topic, claim, or defense
Telecommunication (Includes Net Neutrality)
Document type
Issuing entity
Legislative Branch
Type of service provider
Internet Access Provider (Including Mobile)
OSP obligation considered
Block or Remove
Type of law