Document type
The Regulations define the "Right of Cancellation" ("cancellation means stopping the processing of personal data by the data controller, starting from their blockage and subsequent supression") and the "Exercise of Right of Cancellation" ("the data subject may request, at any time, that the data controller cancel the personal data when he considers that they are not being processed in accordance with the principles and duties established by the Law and these Regulations. The cancellation shall proceed with respect to all personal data of the data subject contained in a database, or only part thereof, as requested"), and the "Restrictions on the Exercise of Rights" ("the exercise of ARCO rights may be restricted for reasons of national security, by laws and regulations of a public policy nature, for reasons of public health and safety, or to protect the rights of third parties in those cases and to the extent contemplated in the laws applicable to the matter, or by a decision of a competent authority well-founded in law and fact"), respectivey in Articles 105, 106 and 88.
Topic, claim, or defense
Privacy or Data Protection
Document type
Issuing entity
Executive Branch
Type of service provider
General or Non-Specified
Type of law