Superior Court of Justice, Orkut (Google Brasil Internet LTDA), Special Appeal No. 1512647/MG (2013/0162883-2)

Document type
Court Decision
The Court ruled that content providers cannot be held liable for copyright violations committed by third parties in a case regarding whether the social networking site Orkut was responsible for copyright infringing user-generated content on its site. The Court ruled that Orkut’s does not profit from copyright infringement on the part of its users. The Court also ruled that Orkut could not be held responsible for links that users post to other pages containing copyright infringing material. See also CIS blog post.
Topic, claim, or defense
Document type
Court Decision
Issuing entity
Highest Domestic/National (including State) Court
Type of service provider
Host (Including Social Networks)
Type of law
General effect on immunity
Strengthens Immunity