This law covers the main principles applying to telecommunication activities and provides for the protection of operators, providers and users (art 3). Among those principles, the law mentions that (1) “rules of registration, use of contry code domain names are regulated jointly by corresponding executive power body and respective bodies according to international norms” (art 7.10); (2) persons committing acts of unfair competition, violation of users’ interests and rights, or any illegal acts bear responsibility according to legislation (art 11.4); (3) Operators and service providers have the following duties: (i) to operate in field of telecommunication according to normative legal acts; (ii) to fulfill its duties arisen from contract signed with subscriber; (iii) not to violate consumer rights; (iv) to sign...
Stating that freedom of expression and information can be restricted only subject to Article 3.1 of the Constitutional Law which says: Provided by the Constitution of the Azerbaijani Republic and the international treaties which participant is the Azerbaijani Republic, human rights and freedoms can be limited only to the law.
Providing that: (1) Internet contents is regulated by the general rules regulating the content of all mass media (art 3); there are no special laws (neither legislation, nor regulatory acts, nor any court decisions) regulating access to the internet and sanctioning the blocking of websites. Nevertheless, there have been cases of blocking online content in Azerbaijan; (2) Access to the Internet can be defined as the right to access information or documents disseminated via the internet; (3) production and propagation of mass media can be temporarily suspended or terminated only by a decision of the founder or court (art 19); (4) In case of transmission in the mass media of information humiliating honor and dignity of physical and legal persons of slanderous and offensive nature, distorting of thoughts, the offended...