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Administrative Measures on Internet Information Services, September 20, 2000

Requiring Internet information providers (ISPs) to obtain approval from the Ministry of Information Industry before creating any sort of joint venture with a foreign company and associated creation of any ISP services. (Article 6-8). ISPs are also required to keep records of the log-on time of users, user’s accounts and the telephone number from which users dial in for 60 days and provide them to State authorities on demand.

Jei Wang, Development of Hosting ISPs’ Secondary Liability for Primary Copyright Infringement in China - As Compared to the U.S. and German Routes, 46(3) IIC 275 (2015)

This article takes a comparative approach to studying the development of hosting ISPs’ secondary liability in China, namely by referring to relevant rules in the US and Germany as examples. In particular, this article compares how the courts interpret the main imputed factors in these three jurisdictions such as monitoring responsibility, knowledge of infringement, measures against repeating infringement, benefit from infringement, and inducement. Through the aforesaid comparison, this article notes that the development of hosting ISPs’ secondary liability in China has been deeply affected by the relevant rules in the US and Germany, but it is also marked with its own characteristics such as requiring the hosting ISP to exert a higher level of duty of care on hot-play films and television dramas, and famous works...

General Resources - China

Intellectual Property Protection in China, http://www.chinaipr.gov.cn/channel/newsindex.shtml PRC Government’s Website Stanford China Guiding Cases Project, http://blogs.law.stanford.edu/cgcp World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on Chinese IP Law, http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/profile.jsp?code=CN 中华人民共和国国家知识产权局, http://www.sipo.gov.cn/zcfg/flfg State Intellectual Property Office of the PRC 中国保护知识产权网, http://www.ipr.gov.cn Intellectual Property Protection in China 中华人民共和国专利法, http://www.sipo.gov.cn/zcfg/flfg/zl/fljxzfg Various Intellectual Property Legislations and Texts including those on Patents, Copyright, and Trademark Jei Wang, Not All ISP Conduct is Equally Active or Passive in Differing Jurisdictions: Content Liability and Safe Harbor Immunity for hosting ISPs in China, the European Union, and the...