Court dismisses A.G.’s action aimed at taking down allegedly anti-Semitic blog “Joe Le Corbeau” based on lack of respect of formalities of 1881 law on freedom of press (lack of characterization and qualification of the incriminated speech).
blogger Bluetoof is held liable on the ground of fraudulent accessing and/or remaining on an automated data processing system further to the publication of confidential document of ANSES (national agency for food, environmental and occupational health and safety) that he had found on the Internet. the Court reversed the decision from the trial court which had considered that there could not be a fraudulent access if the data processing system was unprotected and freely available on Google.
Google is subject to data protection law (loi informatique et liberte) and liable for breaching it when kept in Google suggest tools, personal information about art dealer (criminal charges for past activity) when the ex-convicted art dealer had asked Google to delete such information and showed that he had a legitimate reason to do so (breach to image and reputation, right to be forgotten).