May 5, 2016
April 2016 in Retrospect is available here:
Retrospect is a flagship publication of the Internet & Jurisdiction Project. It provides since 2012 a unique source to study an understand emerging trends and high-level patterns regarding the tension between the cross-border nature of the Internet and the patchwork of geographically defined national jurisdictions.
All cases are crowd-ranked by leading international experts of the I&J Observatory. The Internet & Jurisdiction Project facilities a global policy process. It enables multi-stakeholder cooperation in order to develop new mechanisms that are as transnational as the Internet itself and guarantee due process across borders.
This article was originally published at the CIS Blog April 2016 in Retrospect: Intermediary Liability News and More from the Internet and Jurisdiction Project
Date published: May 6, 2016
Date published: May 6, 2016
Topic, claim, or defense
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