February 25, 2018
Albertario Claudia c/ Yahoo Argentina y otro s/daños y perjuicios
Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Civil de la Capital Federal, Sala II [National Civil Court of Appeals, Buenos Aires Capital District], June 2, 2015
This case is one among numerous civil lawsuits brought against the search engines Google and Yahoo! by different ‘celebrities’ and well ‐ known public figures for violation of their honor
Glawischnig v. Facebook (referred to the CJEU)
In this case, the Austrian Supreme Court was faced with the issue to what extent is Facebook obligated to remove defamatory content posted by its users. It raises questions both
The Network Enforcement Act
Overview As of recently providers of social networks in Germany must comply with the so-called “ Network Enforcement Act ” formally known by the name “Act to Improve Enforcement of
John Boniface Maina v Safaricom Limited
High Court of Kenya at Nairobi, eKLR, Civil Suit No. 808 fo 2012,
The plaintiff, a musician, successfully sued the defendant, a mobile telecommunication company for breach of copyright. The defendant had introduced a caller back ring tone service where they distributed the
Plaintiff X v. Google
DPA Procedure (Expediente 012-2015-PTT)
This case in Peru is about reports associating the plaintiff to criminal procedures from which he has been acquitted. After an initial ruling of the Peruvian DPA (Dirección General de
SMS v. Google
RECURSO ESPECIAL Nº 1.593.873 - SP Superior Court of Justice. Fourth Panel
The SMS v. Google case illustrates the confusions surrounding the expression “right to be forgotten”. Brought against the search engine Google Brasil, the action required the delisting of images of
C. de P., M.G. y otros c/ Google Inc. y otro s/ medidas cautelares
Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Civil de la Capital Federal, Sala III [National Civil Court of Appeals, Buenos Aires Capital District], Cita Online: MJ-JU-M-97758-AR, March 11, 2016
The president of the Make a Wish Foundation in Argentina sought a preliminary injunction against Google for the removal of a defamatory blog post and other websites that republished it.
La Fortuna v. INAI
Expediente Auxiliar 355/2016
In Mexico, the data protection authority responsible both for the access to information and data protection (INAI – Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Informacion y Protección de Datos
Causa nº 22243/2015 (Apelación). Resolución nº 36142 of Corte Suprema
The main case to reach the Chilean Supreme Court and involving a so-called “right to be forgotten” was an action requesting Diario El Mercurio to delist from search engines content
Supreme Court. Nelson Curi (and others) x Globo [Decision Pending]
(ARE 833.248 RG/RJ)
The main Right to be Forgotten case, currently in debate in the Brazilian Supremo Tribunal Federal , is the litigation between Nelson Curi and the major broadcaster in the country,
Legislative Proposal, 942-S-2016
Intermediary Services on the Internet. Providers’ Responsibility Guidelines
This legislation would codify responsibility of intermediaries for content posted by users. It defines ISPs; access, interconnection, transmission and data addressing providers; automatic storage or cache services providers; hosting providers;
Legislative Proposal, 5771-D-2016
Intermediary Services on the Internet. Providers’ Responsibility Guidelines
Defines “intermediaries” as the ones that carry out or facilitate transactions between third parties on the Internet, whether they offer access to, hosting, transmission, or index content, products or services
SESTA and related sex-trafficking-related amendments to CDA 230
SESTA and FOSTA SESTA (in the Senate) and FOSTA (in the House) are both bills that would amend Communications Decency Act Section 230 (CDA 230) to create new liability for