
Technology groups submit an emergency application to the Supreme Court to block Texas social media law HB 20

May 16, 2022

On May 11, 2022, the Fifth Circuit reinstated Texas state law HB 20 which allows private parties to sue tech platforms with 50M+ MAUs for their censorship of user-generated content based on “the viewpoint of a user or another person”. On May 13, technology lobbying groups NetChoice and the Computer...

A French Muslim group is suing Facebook and YouTube for hosting the Christchurch shooting video

March 26, 2019

When that little white box on Facebook asks you, "What's on your mind?", could Facebook be responsible for what you have to say?

A group representing French Muslims is suing the French branches of Facebook and YouTube for hosting the video of the Christchurch attack in New Zealand. From Mashable...

Upload filters and one-hour takedowns: the EU’s latest fight against terrorism online, explained

March 21, 2019

Though acts of terrorism take place in the real world, they attain a kind of online afterlife. Materials like those from the recent Christchurch shooting proliferate as supporters upload them to any media platform they can reach. Lawmakers in Europe have had enough, and this year, they hope to enact...

Political Agenda — “Fake News”, Foreign Interference, and Freedom of Expression

March 18, 2019

It’s been about a year since Singapore’s Select Committee on Deliberate Online Falsehoods held its open hearings. Although no Bills have yet been tabled, Singapore is expecting legislation to deal with “fake news” and foreign interference. But what would their impact be? From New Naratif