
Technology groups submit an emergency application to the Supreme Court to block Texas social media law HB 20

May 16, 2022

On May 11, 2022, the Fifth Circuit reinstated Texas state law HB 20 which allows private parties to sue tech platforms with 50M+ MAUs for their censorship of user-generated content based on “the viewpoint of a user or another person”. On May 13, technology lobbying groups NetChoice and the Computer...

Jurisdiction over user data - what is the ideal solution to a very real world problem?

July 24, 2014


Over the past ten days, civil society has been having kittens over the UK Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Bill, partly because of its extraterritorial extension of UK surveillance powers.  This comes at a time when there is already heightened focus on issues of data and jurisdiction because...

Intermediary Liability News from Italy: Courts block Mega and and Force YouTube to Proactively Monitor its Platform for Copyright Infringement

July 22, 2014
In the last few days, Italian courts have been busy tackling online copyright infringement and sanctioning platforms that allegedly facilitate infringement. A criminal court in Rome blocked access in Italy to several websites for copyright infringement, including Mega, the new Kim Dotcom’s cloud...

Sohu vs Toutiao: Chinese Mobile News App Sued by News Publishers for Copyright Infringement

July 15, 2014
Recently, a 120 million users mobile application, Toutiao (“headline” in Chinese), got on the nerves of traditional and Internet news publishers in China. In late June, China's Internet giant Sohu sued Toutiao for copyright infringement and unfair competition before the Beijing Haidian District...

The Supreme Court Finds Aereo a Direct Infringer, Justice Brandeis (and Scalia) Dissent

July 1, 2014

Recently, the United Sates Supreme Court decided American Broadcasting Cos. v Aereo, holding that “Aereo publicly performs copyrighted works, in violation of the Copyright Act’s Transmit Clause, when it sells its subscribers a technologically complex service that allows them to watch television...

May 2014 in Retrospect: Intermediary Liability News and More from the Internet and Jurisdiction Project

June 24, 2014

May 2014 in Retrospect is available here:

Retrospect is the monthly newsletter of the Internet & Jurisdiction Project - a global multi-stakeholder dialogue process that explores the tension between the cross-border nature of the...

Argentine Supreme Court To Decide Whether Intermediaries Must Monitor/Take Down Search Results

June 23, 2014
Recently, the Supreme Court of Argentina heard arguments in Rodríguez, María Belén c/ Google Inc. y Otro s/ Daños y Perjuicios. The case requires the Supreme Court to decide for the first time whether Internet intermediaries - in this case, search engines Google and Yahoo - are liable for linking to...

European Libraries Don't Need Permission to Digitize Books in Their Collection, Says Advocate General of the ECJ

June 18, 2014

Recently, an Advocate General with the European Court of Justice (ECJ) handed down an opinion in Technische Universität Darmstadt v Eugen Ulmer KG stating that European libraries may digize individual books in their collection without permission from the rightholders.

In this dispute, the German...