Juzgado Nacional de Primera Instancia en lo Civil [National First Instance Civil Court], Civil. Expte. Nº 72.792/2011.
Document type
Court Decision
On November 2011, following a claim from Imagen Satelital S.A., a judge ordered ISPs to block access, for all Internet users, to specific content on the website “Cuevana," including the TV series ‘'Falling Skies’’, ‘’Bric’’, and ‘’26 people to save the world’’. The blocking order was based specifically on Article 79 of the Copyright Law. The National Commission of Communications implemented the judicial decision and ordered the ISPs to block access to the infringing content.
Topic, claim, or defense
Document type
Court Decision
Issuing entity
Lowest Domestic Court
Type of service provider
Internet Access Provider (Including Mobile)
OSP obligation considered
Block or Remove
Type of law
General effect on immunity
Weakens Immunity
General intermediary liability model
Takedown/Act Upon Court Order